Gift Ideas For Eid-Al-Adha

 Gift Ideas For Eid-Al-Adha

Category: Eid Al Adha Offers July 27, 2020

    Eid-Al Adha is just around the corner. It is a “Festival of Sacrifice” and the second most celebrated holiday in the entire world and is holier than the two. If you are still trying to figure out as to what to gift your family and friends this year then you should give a read to what we have to re...

Carry Light This Summer With H&M

Carry Light This Summer With H&M

Category: Fashion July 12, 2020

    Summers are overhead and going shopping in this weather becomes very tiring with all those shopping bags in the sun. Hence brings to you the best bags you can carry along for shopping for a light and hassle-free spree through groceries or just hanging out in a completely eco-friendly way. ...

Interesting Facts about Eid-Al-Fitr

Interesting Facts about Eid-Al-Fitr

Category: Shopping June 27, 2020

Interesting Facts about Eid-Al-Fitr Interesting Facts about Eid-al-Fitr Eid- Al-Fitr is finally here and we know you all are as excited as we are to celebrate Eid after all the stress and tension regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown. There is some relief in our minds due to the arrival of Eid now. Everyone is ready to...

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