Desertcart Promo Codes & Offers

  • 7 Coupons & Offers
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Upto 40% OFF OFF
Upto 40% OFF

Avail Upto 40% OFF On Everything | Electronics ,Toys, Sports, Health Beauty & Much More | Free Shipping

Valid Till : 20th Nov 2024
Biggest Sale
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  • Enjoy upto 40% OFF On Everything | Sports, Beauty, Health,Electronics & Much More
  • Free Delivery
  • Valid For All User 
Upto 22% OFF OFF
Upto 22% OFF

Get Upto 22% Discount On Electronics Items | Car Electronics, Camera & Much More | Free Shipping

Valid Till : 26th Dec 2024
Show More Last Used 1 Months Ago | Used by 11 People
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  • Enjoy upto 22% OFF On Electronics Items 
  • Free Delivery
  • Valid For All User 
Upto 22% OFF OFF
Upto 22% OFF

Save Upto 22% OFF On Health Products | Oral Care, Eye Care, health Care & Much More | Free Shipping

Valid Till : 27th Sep 2024
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  • Enjoy upto 22% OFF On Health Products
  • Free Delivery
  • Valid For All User 
Upto 22% OFF OFF
Upto 22% OFF

Get Upto 22% OFF On Fashion & Accessories | Men. Women, kids & Much More

Valid Till : 04th Oct 2024
Show More Last Used 2 Months Ago | Used by 6 People
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  • Enjoy upto 22% OFF On  Fashion & Accessories
  • Free Delivery
  • Valid For All User 
Flat 15% OFF OFF
Flat 15% OFF

Sign Up & Get Flat 15% OFF On All Orders

Valid Till : 28th Sep 2024
Show More Last Used 10 Days Ago | Used by 17 People
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  • Sign Up And Get 15% OFF
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Upto 28% OFF OFF
Upto 28% OFF

Buy & Get Upto 28% OFF On Home & Kitchen | Furniture, Kitchen & Much More

Valid Till : 26th Oct 2024
Show More Last Used 1 Months Ago | Used by 3 People
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  • Enjoy upto 28% OFF On  Home & Kitchen
  • Free Delivery
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Upto 21% OFF OFF
Upto 21% OFF

Avail upto 21% OFF On Beauty & Grooming | Haircare, Skincare, & Much More

Valid Till : 01st Jan 2025
Show More Last Used 10 Days Ago | Used by 9 People
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  • Buy And Get upto 21% OFF On Beauty Products 
  • Free Delivery
  • Valid For All User

Save More With Desertcart Promo Codes & Offers

Desertcart is a one-stop destination for basically everything you need. The Desertcart offers are simply irresistible. The products are all affordable. Desertcart is one of the leading destinations in UAE selling low priced products. It aims to bring all authentic & high-quality products from various corners of the world to one single platform. Millions of consumers visit and buy items from this online store every month. you can buy it all at extremely discounted rates using Desertcart Coupon Codes & Offers. You can buy all the best branded and high-end products just from a click. It delivers its services in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Bahrain.   

About Desertcart Online Store

Desertcart was created to uplift the variety of products available online in the UAE. They have products from worldwide retailers and shipping costs are paid much attention. You can get all the products that you need without the need to sign up for multiple websites and Barakatalan helps you shop at better prices with their Desertcart Discount Code & Deals. This makes your shopping experience so much more convenient. Desertcart Deals will make your shopping even better.    

How to use Desertcart Coupons & Offers at Barakatalan

  1. Go to
  2. Enter ‘Desertcart’ in the search bar present on the top right of the page and press enter.
  3. Make your Desertcart Coupon choice and click on the ‘get coupon’ option.
  4. You will see a pop up in which you can copy your Desertcart Code and click ‘go-to the store’. 
  5. You will be taken to the store’s website directly. There, select all the products you want and add it to the cart.
  6. Go to the cart and click ‘proceed to checkout’. There, you will be asked for payment and delivery details. 
  7. At the end of the page, you will see a ‘got a code?’ Option. Paste the Desertcart Promo Code UAE  in this box and press on the ‘Apply code’ option. The price of your purchase will decrease as per the coupon. 

Special features 

Brand Choice:  To satisfy your shopping needs, purchase online at Desertcart and pick from a large range of items of different brands. Desertcart ensures reliable and authentic goods are shipped to your doorstep.

The Desertcart App: Download the Desertcart app to your Android devices and ios. Start shopping from different categories such as apparel & accessories, beauty & lifestyle products, health care items, electronics, etc. Just tap your fingertips to get access to millions of items. Desertcart is renowned for giving big discounts to the consumer. It is giving its customers incomparable offers. It gives all its goods at a reasonable price that is much lower than the price offered by other players in the industry. To grab such amazing deals visit Barakatalan’s website and search for the best Desertcart UAE Promo Code  & Offers available.   

Desertcart Discount & Offers on Different Categories at Barkatalan

Categories Desertcart Offers
Best-selling beauty from clinique Flat 15% OFF
Desertcart app offer 10% OFF on all orders
Fashion, health, beauty, and more Up to 70% OFF
Bestselling books Up to 60% OFF
Chronograph watches Up to 60% OFF


  • Q I want something not listed on Desertcart Dubai?

    If you want something that is sold online, but cannot find it on Desertcart Dubai, please send us an email to [email protected] with a link to the item and the name of the store.

  • Q How good are Barakatalan’s Desercart Codes?

    Barakatalan offers a wide variety of deals and offers to make your shopping as memorable as possible. With Desertcart Promo Code KSA from Barakatalan, you can shop happy and enjoy buying to the fullest. 

  • Q What products can I purchase from Desertcart Saudi?

    From Desertcart Saudi Arabia You can purchase almost all of the items that are listed on our website. Just search for something you are looking for!

  • Q How much does delivery cost in Dubai?

    They have a flat AED 25 delivery charge for all orders below AED 250. If your order is AED 250 or above, your order is delivered for free.

  • Q Is the Desertcart  Discount Code on Barakatalan Legit?

      Yes, Barakatalan never disappoints its users. For the best and latest deals visit Barakatalan every time you want to shop

  • Q How long will it take for an order to be delivered in Dubai?

    The products listed on the website are sourced from international merchants and are usually not stored in any of our distribution centers.

  • Q Can I get additional Desertcart Coupon Codes?

    Yes. You’ll find a range of Desertcart Codes on Barakatalan. And it’s all free! Shop more and save more.

These Coupons/Offers expired recently, but may still be valid.
Upto 70% OFF OFF
Upto 70% OFF

Wearhouse Deal | Avail Upto 70% OFF On Everything

Valid Till : 15th Jul 2023
Show More Last Used 2 Months Ago | Used by 5 People
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  •  Avail Upto 70% OFF On Everything 
  • Valid For All User
Flat 15% OFF OFF
Flat 15% OFF

Save Flat 15% OFF On Books & Stationeries

Valid Till : 15th Sep 2024
Show More Last Used 2 Months Ago | Used by 3 People
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  • Enjoy Flat 15% OFF On  Books And Stationeries 
  • Free Delivery
  • Valid For All User 

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Top Brands

Here are a few of the top brands at Desertcart:

  • Apple
  • Marvel
  • Adidas
  • Nike
  • Microsoft
  • The Body Shop
  • Calvin Klein
  • Lego

How Desertcart Promo Codes & Offers from Barakatalan Helps You To Save More

Apart from assisting people all over the world DesertCart also offers a great variety of deals & sales. Through Barakatalan you can use Desertcart Promo Code KSA and Desertcart Coupons to avail exclusive offers and deals for a great shopping experience. Make sure you look for the best deals for yourself as there is a lot to choose from. The range of items available online in UAE platforms is missing. Residents of the UAE often don't get the exact product of their choosing and even though they find it, the product is expensive. To resolve this problem, it was determined that Desertcart would include a range of items from various retailers around the world. It reduces the high costs of transportation and storage, customs clearance, and all other expenses.     

Customer Services

The customer care staff are dedicated to providing you the best service. You can get into contact with the staff for a quick query or for any other clarifications that you might have. Get into a live chat with the staff. You can get onto the website and have a chat over there, regarding your problem. You will get immediate assistance.  

Return and Refund Policy

In case there is a fault in your product, your product can be returned or exchanged within 2 weeks of the purchase. AED 25 will be deducted from your refund for shipping charges. Return can be requested through 04 524 5555. (9:00 to 21:00, except Fridays). Or you can send a ticket within 2 weeks of the delivery.    

Customer Reviews 

  • 100% satisfaction and very helpful customer service team at Desertcart in Dubai - Ibrahim, Dubai, UAE
  • I used the Desertcart Promo Code UAE and got a wonderful discount on my first order for Home Appliances. In addition, the service at Desertcart in UAE was impressive. Ayesha, Dubai, UAE
  • Mostly I bought electronics products for Desertcart UAE. Its good and safe site - Adiba, Dubai, UAE
  • Purchased a product from Desertcart KSA by using  Barakatalan’s Desertcart Discount Code and got an and got an amazing deal- Iqra, Riyad, KSA
  • Nice website. Provides a large variety of products under one roof and save extra by using Barakatalan’s Desertcart Coupon Code - Salena, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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